The accompanying visual was based on a story by Lil Nas X and directed by Christian Breslauer. The song is the latest to be released from the highly anticipated upcoming album Montero, due later this year via Columbia Records. According to his press release, it all touches on Nas X finding his confidence and proving wrong anyone who ever doubted his staying power. And the twerking and dancing continued on the jail block bars, in the shower with other inmates and in the prison yard.Īfter streaming live from the courtroom at his trial on Monday, the 2-time Grammy winner has been transported to Montero State Prison for the release of his new song and video, featuring production by Take a Daytrip and Kanye West. This time around, Lil Nas X takes a break from twerking on the devil (whom he killed at the end of that 'Montero (Call Me By My Name)' video, btw) to go prison.
He's quickly becoming our favorite video king, making the masses mad upset over his unapologetically gay, skin-heavy, interesting, story-driven and cheeky vids. Lil Nas X got 5 years in 'Montero State Prison,' and the 'Industry Baby' song & video for his lock-up BANGS, ok?
Lil Nas X is back with a new song and visual to piss off the masses.